My weight loss journey trying to shout for the stars!

To the Stars through

After my successful weight loss story, I got inspired to write about importance of motivation in your life. Unfortunately, I see many people struggle with obesity just like me without achieving success and I decided to try to help.   So I want from you to read this post carefully because you will find answers to important questions about motivation to keep you going just like they are keeping me going because I have hit a downward slide.  Every weight loss expert, physician, and dietitian will agree that personal motivation is the key factor for success in weight loss. You can choose the best healthy lifestyle plan but if you are not persistent with your healthy lifestyle plan you will fail. In order to succeed you need to have strong willpower; motivation and you have to change your way of thinking!

Remember, you have to follow any diet program plan entirely and completely. Probably you noticed the fact that you may find a variety of diet plans on the Internet but you won’t find motivational help and motivational advice for losing weight. You are not a machine and you are going to have ups and downs. You are spiritual and emotional being as much as you are a human being. You have your fears, desires, wishes, doubts. My opinion is that many diets are created by people who don’t have much hands-on experience of helping people to manage their weight. Therefore, it is crucial and very serious problem.

I am not a machine and last year in March became my biggest test.  A phone call no parent wants about their child.  It has taken me some time to heal.  I am ready to get back out there and fight for me.  Then a month later a tornado hit the town I work in.  That night I was at our schools annual open house as a tornado hit down in our town and the school was very close to being hit but the storm veered another way taking many coworkers houses.  It made me think life is to short and to spend more time with my family.  I continued to work out but I didn’t stick to my food plan eating health as I lost my emotions in to over eating.  I am ready to conquer the new girl again one step at a time so I am here for my kids when I am older too.

Yes, I know that making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take. You have to know that weight loss diet is some kind of journey. First of all, you need to make a decision to start that journey and never stop. You need willpower and you have to make commitment to yourself. Remember, weight loss is sa journey.  As you know It’s wise to be prepared for every journey.  You will encounter some problems during your weight loss journey but you need to learn how to overcome them and move forward.  Today I am moving forward in my journey!! That’s why preparation and planning of a weight loss journey is one of the most important factors for successful weight loss journey. You have to identify a number of factors that may increase the chance of successful weight loss.

Support of friends and family!

Your family and friends can have a positive influence on successful healthy lifestyle plan. They can help you to boost your self-confidence and encourage you stick with your plan and with your commitments. They do not necessarily need to be participating in a weight loss program as long as they support your goals in a healthy manner.  I give thanks right now for Michelle, Dawn, and many others at the YMCA for giving me support and getting me back on track.

Don’t forget that some people around you, can have a negative impact on your weight loss plan. Unfortunately people with negative intentions do exist in the world. Some so-called friends don’t like to see you succeed because they are jealous. They want you to fail because your success is their failure. But, remember, it is one more motivation factor for your weight loss success.

So why might you fail? 

Most of us start with the notion that you will start to see results fast. Don’t forget that there is no magic pill and there is no magic formula for fast weight loss. Don’t expect miracle overnight. Simply, it isn’t possible. It is wrong and unrealistic expectation.  When I lose my weight I workout and eat well and it is hard work!  If you fail dust yourself off and try again!  Success is built on failure.

What am I going to do? 

You have to change your thoughts and give a positive direction to your life. If you change your thoughts, you will change your world. My goal have to been to lose your weight permanently.

Many people want to lose weight for health reasons but there are people who want to lose weight because they want to look great. How you feel about your appearance is part of your ‘body image’. Self-esteem is very important because feeling good about yourself can affect your mental health and your quality of life.

What am I thinking?

“I won’t to start living healthy next week I’m going to start my healthy plan today!”
“I don’t want to delay my success because there is no alternative to success in my life!”
“I have to get rid of my high blood pressure, ankle and foot pain and sleep apnea caused by my obesity, because I want to feel better!”
“My goal is to lose weight before Christmas. ”
“I know that this plan isn’t easy but taste of success will be the sweetest! ”
“I will start to love myself and my body, and my self-esteem will be increased. And with increased self-esteem and self-confidence I will be more successful in my career and I will be more successful in relationships!”
“I will get compliments from my friends and family members!”
“My older clothes fit again and that will be sweet!”
“I won’t be ashamed when people look at me anymore that I am a failure but they will know I am really working one step at a time again and again to regain the new me!”
“All my enemies will be unpleasantly surprised by my great success!”

“I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that’s no reason to give up. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it ” by Louis Sachar

Me Losing Weight blog turns 4 years old. Things I have learned through my journey.

Friends MLWHappy 4 years to blogging.  This blog has inspired I remember wanting to quit blogging and my Facebook page but some one said if you could inspire one person Jackie sharing your journey worth it.  I have helped a lot more than one with their healthy journey in the past four year.  Here are three things I have learned through my healthy lifestyle change.

#1)  Every fingerprint is different.  Every person’s tastes are different.  And every person’s weight loss journey is different.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  Even if you and I do exactly  the same things, we wont lose weight at exactly the same rate.  The history of the foods we ate; our starting weights; how much muscle we have; and many other things control the pace that we lose weight, so chart your own progress.  I have learned that I have stopped comparing myself to others and my journey is mine and I know why I gain weight and lose it know.  I know even gaining weight back I am still healthy today and I am proud of myself.  I am also love cheering and lifting people up as they start their own health journey.

#2) Today and everyday I am reminded how fortunate I am.  When I started losing weight instead of talking about it a whole new world opened up to me.  The people I have met have been some of the mist inspirational and motivating people.  I have met some amazing people that have turned out to be dear friends.  Tomorrow morning and every Sunday I am lucky to spend with my dragon boat club that push me beyond what I could of ever dreamed of doing four years ago.  I can’t wait to spend some time this summer with the Kish Bike and Rec Club, my running ladies, and many other dear friends.  These past fours have been amazing and I have found lifetime friends who are inspirational themselves who keep me going and help me stay on track.

#3)  My family adapted to my changes slowly but stuck with me.  We are a cycling family.  Everyone one loves their bikes and we love to ride together.   Finding an activity we all love makes me smile everyday.  I am enjoying being active with my family everyday and having a supportive immediate family is awesome.   They rock my world and as I write this now they are timing each other doing exercises right now on my triathlon mat!!  We are ready for Spring and for our bicycle journeys together.

Motivation Tuesday! Believe and you can achieve!

Believe 2015 Weight Loss Motivation

The Kishhealth magazine came out this month and it’s the end of the month and again today I had at least a dozen people say hey your that famous girl.

All I can say is believe and you will achieve.  I had no buddy when I walked into the gym December 2009.  I just had one goal I most be able to keep up with my child and I need to get healthy.  My daughter and my husband at this time I knew I need to be strong.  The doctor told me to have a specialist see my daughter because she was not communicating verbal and throwing fits it was rough and I knew I had to keep up with her.  She started communicating at 4 years old and you wouldn’t even notice know as she has made real gains.  She was my first motivation.  The next thing I realized after flying home from seeing my mother in-law in December 2009 that I didn’t fit in a plan seat.  My plan at first was not the buddy plan.  It was I have to eat better and I need to start moving.  I would make buddies along my journey who would become some of my greatest friends.  I had to find a network that would build me up and not put me down.  I found people on the same journey because some of my friends/family members  think I am annoying because my interest aren’t like theirs anymore.   One thing is losing weight gave me a positive attitude!  I tell myself I take the time for myself because everyday I am stronger for my family.  That is not selfish but an act of love.

Quality food and lots of it!

Food Feb 2015

Here is what I will be eating for the next two weeks!  When I am focused I am focused and getting back on track!    

Plus you see my scale weighing everything is a pain tell me about it but it is so important to measure.

Food prep – I am seeing chicken in my future!!

Food Prep Optimist

What is the difference between a tomato pasta dish and carbonara?

Or between a steak and a grilled chicken breast?

The answer?

In most cases, hundreds of calories!

And you know it!

Use your food knowledge to make the right food choices, both at home and when out.

I am making chicken for lunch and dinner this week plus prepping veggies.  Many people have tomorrow off with it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I do not have tomorrow off I am teaching and then Family Fine Arts Night in the evening.  I have to be prepared for the busy week that lies ahead.  It can be tough but you can do it.  Don’t leave the house without a plan because no means failure.

2014 Me Losing Weight ‘s Year!

Me Losing Weight's Year

I started off the year 2014 with having surgery on December 27th for my gallbladder.  I was determined in less than 2 months to do my first event in 2014 the YMCA indoor triathlon.  Which I would do better at than the year before.  Then to run my favorite race the 8K Shamrock Shuffle downtown Chicago with some awesome people!  I would set out to do a Half Marathon in June and oh my goodness I don’t like to run what was I thinking but I finished even if my timing chip didn’t work!  11 minute miles all the way to the end go me see I can run.  I joined a dragon boat team named “Flying Ears” in the spring of 2014 and had our first race in June.  The team just started last year and no one had any idea that at every race we would place in the best division at all the races which is division A.  I am so happy almost all the members of Flying Ears are coming back for season 2015 we are only losing one member!   I have to say I made the right decision about joining and have made some great friendships.   I rode many miles on my bike as I learned really how to race with Dawn R. as she made me a stronger cyclist and the friend who would get me on the dragon boat team.  I then had Kris ask me to join the team and invited her to practice and she loved dragon boating that now we are team members.  In July I would do my first Olympic Triathlon omg the hills (see I live on flat land) and the torture but I made it to the end!!  I raced in my second dragon boat race at Lake Arlington, IL in July.  Then August I ended up doing my favorite sprint triathlon in Naperville.  September our dragon boat team the “Flying Ears” had our final race of the year in Wisconsin.   October I would run my first 10K I know way backwards right because I ran a marathon before ever doing a 10K.   During the Pumpkin 10K run in Sycamore I would suffer off beat breathing and my side started to hurt.  The slowest run of the season at 11 minute pace per mile.  I would really start to pack on the weight as my side pain took a toll.  Then this December decided to go to the doctor he thinks it was a kidney stone.  I would do a cat scan and the next week the pain was gone.  My family doctor said he thinks the kidney stone passed and yes you can have them stuck inside tearing you up for months.  Right now at the end of 2014 I am feeling great!  I am at the same weight I was last year at this time.  Yes the same weight gain and everything but determined to loss 40 pounds by April!  I am sure I will be there and this year hopefully I can maintain my weight and stop going up and down.  It is hard to maintain when no one else in your family leads really a healthy lifestyle.  I am proud of my year and I have to say with this current weight gain that my health is still awesome  because I just did a physical on December 27th and my blood pressure is normal and I am very healthy!  I workout all the time and try to focus on the positives in life.  What will I do in 2015?  I have no clue but I am sure it will be just as great!!

ODE To Summer and taking pride in accomplishments and gaudy goals reached whether it be last place or first place!

PicMonkey Collage Me Losing Weight

Sometimes you have to reflect back and take pride on how far you have come.  This summer has been hard with a little bit of weight gain as I became discouraged that maybe plastic surgery is not in my cards at 18 thousand dollars.  I will never have a killer body and why the hell am I working out so hard.  Gaining some 25 pounds back during training for my first half marathon and Olympic distance triathlon.  But I have to look at the new girl and take pride in her because I did complete my gaudy goals this year.  I conquered goals with and without friends.   I really ran a half marathon I ask myself cause running is not my favorite thing to do but guess what I knew I could do it because I believed in me.  I may not be a thin chick but guess what I can run  13.1 miles at an 11 minute pace.  Not bad for a girl who ran her first 5K at 12 minute mile paces back on Thanksgiving day 2012.  I would then go with a great group of ladies to another first an Olympic distance triathlon.  I can swim like a fish I love the water and I love to bike so the Olympic distance triathlon did not scare me ok it did that 10K run without music are you kidding me.  It was torture at the end it was hilly triathlon course too.  See we live in corn country and it is flat no hills to truly train on.   I finished freaking 8th to last and I have never placed ever anywhere close to the bottom.  I have always been in the top for my age group.  Then it dawned on me a couple days later I ran that Olympic triathlon 10K at the end with hills faster than my first 5K and I swam and biked in that race too. I am now proud of myself for even finishing.  Some people out there can’t do what I did and I am happy for finishing and getting up the courage to do it.  I learned I don’t need to be so competitive either cause in the end does it matter where I placed? No it only matters to me and that is I accomplished a gaudy goal.  I thought this summer the hardest thing was going to be the half marathon but boy I was wrong it was the Olympic triathlon.  Set gaudy goals accomplish for yourself and complete them.  Don’t compete with others compete with you and only you. Don’t stress about the little things just believe!  Looking back my first gaudy goal was to surviving walking without my darn feet hurting it was hell to walk yes complete hell.  Well this girl isn’t walking anymore she is accomplishing her goals and if you asked me tomorrow to run a half marathon with you I could do it!  When I hear Jackie I could never do a triathlon girl that is amazing a light bulb goes off in my head we are all different and not everyone can accomplish the things we do but that is what makes life so great!  You always keep setting goals for yourself.   I have been discouraged about a little bit of weight gain again I am not going to let it bother me cause inside I know this girl will rock it out again.  Why? because I have to it is life or death to me and my family fights obesity everyday.  To those back at where I was at walking is painful just start walking and eating a little better you will get there.  You just need to set reasonable goals for yourself.   Truly I just want to inspire people to live healthy lives everyday. 

My Gaudy Goal List Completion so far!

  • 5K
  • 8k
  • Half Marathon
  • Sprint Triathlon
  • Olympic Triathlon
  • Century Bike Ride 103 miles

Things still on my Gaudy Goal Bucket List and yes they are hardcore!!! 

  • Half Ironman
  • Bike Ride all of Iowa ragbrai ride

What is a gaudy goal you have on your bucket list?

I am Jackie I am 36! For my birthday present I am racing! I am one CRAZY Lady!!

Tri 7 race


Thank you to all my 1,000 plus viewers of my blog and facebook page keep living healthy and keep inspiring others.  Positive Vibes and One Luv!!

Were jamming even when my babysitter slept in today and my husband has a music gig this weekend.  I am with these crazy kids all alone on my birthday and our 8th wedding anniversary.  Does that make it golden anniversary haha cause its 8/8 and 8 years maybe.   What did I want for my birthday to race of course.  My kids and I headed together to pick up my race packet together some how they think my race shirt is theirs now they can have the long sleeve white shirt.  Not that big into white shirts or long selves plus I have lots of shirts so its okay it can be their night shirt.  Last individual race of the season before I head back to teach.  I just love triathlons and sprints are awesome cause I can finish before my kids wake up!  Okay maybe not Mr. 3 he is my summer alarm clock up at 6am most days oh the energy they have keeping up with them is a workout.  Seriously most girls want fancy clothes or purses or their nails done.  I want calluses on my feet haha, a sore bottom rashes so I can scream when I go to the bathroom after riding my bike (haha not but its the truth), and soon after this race my IT-Band will be screaming saying you have been racing sense February lady take an off season!! This is my easy race this summer and I am excited it’s a huge one and I love looking at bikes that are super fly! I may not have a friend in the world going but really its like a secret club out there all athletes having fun together the competitive ones to the ones who want to survive.  Well now its time to swim with the little ones so they sleep good tonight!  Seriously it is a lifestyle that can be fun and you can achieve anything if you just tri!  I love getting out there and trying :)!  Happy 8/8 to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh Yes Smile everyday is a great day to shine.

Flash Back Age 35  what did I accomplish in a million years I thought I could not?

My first half marathon! My first Olympic triathlon torture lol! A century bike ride of 103 miles.

Starting a new healthy journey tip #1) Finding a Walking Buddy will make it easier.

Walking With Friends!

Look at my walking buddies above that hate that I took a picture but I am the one with the funny face!! Haha super close up and really bad pic of me but we are having fun!!  

A walking buddy will help distract you with conversation and can help motivate you to walk more regular. Look at these ladies above they walked more than they were aspecting cause of totally awesome conversations and lots of laughs! We just talked about many interesting topics, looked at nature, enjoyed natures wonderful smells, and we walked faster to get away pesky mosquitesthe miles will just fly by. We have a 100 mile club at work to which is awesome thanks to Lauren putting this program together. Whether you go walking with a family member, friend or colleague from work, companion is the best and will make it a lot more enjoyable and before you know it you will be meeting your walking goal.


If you want to get in better shape or want maintaining your current good health, you probably know that walking is an excellent form of exercise! It’s gentle on your knees and enables you to boost your heart rate and improve your muscle tone. If you don’t know me personal I love free and walking doesn’t require a gym membership or pricey equipment. This is why I love my fitbit I love looking at my step total everyday!

Workout HIIT TRAINING & Boot Camp. A couple HIIT training exercises you can try at home!!

workout 5Working out today with these wonderful ladies above right to left –  Ann, Chrissy and Julie.   This work out was no joke no time to chat at this crazy pace.  Mr. 3 said when I was done mom your wet lol yikes sweat!  Increasing my dumb bell weights to 20 pounds thanks Chrissy for bringing us this workout.  I love torture blah kissing my weights at the bottom right picture doing push ups holding weights!

HIIT is short for high-intensity interval training and this is a training technique in which you give it your all, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, and recovery periods. HIIT workout are great for increasing your metabolism and is quick plus convenient.

Today’s HIIT had 3 stations with high intensity interval training. Running out follow on sprints at intervals on the treadmill then followed by short recover period. For me it was 9.0 on the treadmill today then a short break. Then next station was rowing high intensity and then a short recovery time, and then a back station with weights, burpees, jumping jacks, push ups at high intensity levels.

What is great if you don’t have equipment you can still do a HIIT workout! They are cheap affordable workouts that you can do at your own house. This is not a workout you can do while reading a magazine or chatting with your friends. Because the exercise  is fast burst of energy or super short, you will be working hard the whole time. Did you notice the sweat on my shirt ugh I was breathing hard no time for talking. Just getting the workout done!!

Boot Camp was also another HIIT workout today too!  We utilized the indoor track.  We sprinted to each station at the 4 corners of the track. There was a squat station four different types of squats, a push up station 4 different types of push ups, a sit up station 4 different types of push ups and  the last one had star jumps, burpees, jumping jacks, and lunging. Sprinting and giving your all to get to the next station.

Here is a HIIT workout you could do if you have no equipment! 

Your just starting here is a Easy Level Hitt Training to do!

Speed walk for half of a block. Then walk slow for a block.  Do this for 20 minutes!

More HITT Training no equipment needed!

1) 1 minute jog and 30 second sprint (at home do this standing in place), 25 Jumping Jacks, 25 standing squats, 25 high knees standing in place (4 sets no rest)

2) 1 minute jog and 30 second sprint, 45 seconds fast jump invisible rope (if you have a rope add it), 25 crunches, 25 push ups ( 5 sets)

3) 1 minutes jog and 30 second sprint, 25 Squat Jumps, 25 sitting twist, and  25 burpees (4 sets)

With HIIT exercise workouts you can make your own and never get bored.  Just keep changing it up! The more you change your workouts up the better is to lose weight.  Always tricking the body.